January 04, 2015

Campaigning For Committee Chairs

Leah Barter
SKY Family Delegation

If there ever was a delegate who was more passionate about trying to recruit other delegates to apply for committee chairs, it would be difficult to do. Legislative delegate Ashlea Al-Bahou of the SKY Family Delegation has been working hard to get the word out about applying by making announcements throughout weekly meetings at her own delegation, as well as making numerous posts on social media to make sure that everyone who is anyone knows about committee chairs. As a Presiding Officer this year, she realizes that she has more of an obligation to let fellow legislative delegates know about upcoming events and applications opening throughout the YIG year. Ashlea, Williams Speaker of the House, says, “The Legislative delegates should definitely apply for Committee Chairs. The experience is so rewarding, and there’s nothing to lose. It is a great opportunity and I support all the legislative delegates who decide to take the extra step in the Youth In Government Program. State Assembly is just around the corner, so we all really need to step it into gear and get ready for all the exciting events happening in our delegations.” Among all of the events that will be taking place in the next upcoming months are a few delegation-specific fundraisers, FDC, and of course, State Assembly this February in Tallahassee. Ashlea spoke a little more about Fall District Conference for District 1, which is coming up within the next few weeks in Fort Lauderdale. FDC is a critical event for all delegates where they are able to work hard in their program area and really set them in line for the quickly approaching State Assembly. “Everything that happens within the YIG program is so important to the development and growth of every single delegate. Each event plays a big role in helping everyone in all of the program areas. States is the biggest and most anticipated part of the year, but it can be difficult for anyone who isn’t prepared; so attending all smaller events and planning on becoming more involved in Youth In Government is a very smart decision.” It is hard to disagree, since we all know how exciting State Assembly is. The best way to become completely prepared, though, is taking the admirable advice given to us by our great Williams Speaker of the House, and getting involved. Just as she, along with all other Presiding Officers this year, have made valiant efforts to get legislative delegates for the Committee Chairs, we as delegates have to respect their energy on the matter and comply by either applying, or encouraging the legislative delegates within our own delegations to do so. “Courage is key to going after what you really want, and with the evident support from other delegates, I know that we will have a greater chance of having our very own delegates taking those Committee Chairs.”

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